torsdag 24 november 2011

Lex parsimoniae

Lex parsimoniae  - the law of simplicity or generally known as Occam's razor.

Do you want to start over, if you would have the chance - with some life experience and energy to make a difference - energy a.k.a. motivation? That is the question many ask them self, a couple of times in the short life span we people have on this earth. Trust me you older you get the faster time will pass. I'm living that life right now - the chance of doing it all over from the awakening in a hospital. Cause in the 26'th of September 2004. Me and a friend of mine drove a car of the road in the early morning - diagnosis: my friend acquired whiplash in the neck and an acute Subdoral Hematoma for myself.

Earlier in life I wanted to be a fighter pilot, but my eyesight was not good enough, from the 5'th grade of school. The vision was not bad, but enough for getting glasses. That sucks for an active kid on a mission towards "Top Gun" - in the 5'th grade 11 years old. I always had great plans, but no real one that I could stick to, no real raw models - except from TV. I want a job for the rest of my life. Cause I will never retire before horizontal position and cardiac arrest. But I didn't really know what to do with my life. As shown by my crooked path from a second grade school; a school for timber logging and guide people in the forest, over to the way of science and The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm - chemistry. I still haven’t graduated from that school. Interesting with chemistry but no people contact and to work in a lab was not for not for me cause I want instant result - at that time anyway. Of course my parents didn't understand why I dropped out. Cause they find a job and stick to it. After dropout, I was driving sport motor cycle with turbo, no driving license, that's why turbo was a perfect choice. Just seeking for adrenaline and action while I searching the life for my holy grail. Due to that foolish lifestyle I had a private chopper to Academic hospital of Uppsala (on the 26th of September - 04) for acute subdoral hematoma (location of blood outside the vessels of the brain).

From that time, everything has gone real fast. From a drooling retard until two kids and now Med School outside Sweden. I thought it was possible cause I'm living the dream in motivation and education. However, I miss the kids so much, I could die. Just want to learn them to ski, swim, they can teach me to climb - the are getting really good, so I heard - I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I feel so bad. I'm missing a big part of their growth. Missing be there for them and to motivate them in everything as in schoolwork and to have a great time, chasing them across the lawn. A good friend of mine once said when traveling to Prague visiting other medical students that it is real important to keep a clear and focused mind when study to become a doctor so you can focus without any distraction, because the amount of input. But I have a dark mind, due to bad conscience. Cause I think of the kids 24/7. It is impossible not to. I want to be proud of my doing and my lifestyle when I grew old. Not the one going abroad for study medicine without the kids. I just can't do that, I can't. That's why this is impossible for me, even though I love this place and all the inhabitants..

So what to do? It's real easy as the law of simplicity - the simplest explanation is often the right one, just to follow your heart. I will get in Med School back home, in Sweden (just to study real hard, so I can get in) while helping the kids so they can reach their goals of their own and be there when they are growing up. I miss them all the time. The idea to come home from Medical School and lay beside them, just to give them comfort while watching them sleep tight, real tight.I miss them so much, to much....

måndag 24 oktober 2011

Yes you can

This day is the special day of accomplishment and for reaching higher level of well being. Cause everything in life afflicts to the balance - Yin & Yang, female and male, black and white and so forth. It strives to maintain the balance of life contrary to the universal law of pandemonium where the chaos expand. This day is as magical as every other day, not with standing, every other day is "special" when you can make difference to others as well as every other person you meet - with a warm smile on your face. Enjoy your fellow citizen of this world and stand up against the universe. Make the ride of life meaningful

We are in this boat together

Off course, the general foundation of self-esteem and a healthy living both mentally as physically comes from happiness - aka fitting in among the others of the flock(in young years - before they can see beyond the many times "wrong" ideal of media). Kids can be real harsh and cruel among each other. But human beings are as many other animals of the planet. The reject the ones not fitting in - because it is naturally and they are not educated(the bullies) in the way of showing respect to others. The ones bulling are also the ones that will have a hard time when they grow up - not fitting in. Reaching the parents are the base - they can make the foundation of education in a social manner. When the parent can't be reached the the children. Are in the hands of good raw models to shadow and to look up to. The body is an ancient vessel made for physical activity and hormones are the treat for physically activity and neurotransmitters are released - so the mind can grasp the information in class much easier. By teaching in a funny and appealing way, you can teach in the most efficient way - by motivation to learn. So the general idea is to motivate the kids to learn, the kids in there own area of interest. To pin point in an early state what they will become when the graduate. Physical activity is an foundation for own motivation. So the kids learn to follow through school and to follow there own area of interest - by self esteem have the own guts to make a difference for them self. The kids are the future and they need our attention - all the children both over weight, bullies, handicapped, prom queens jocks and so forth. We are all in this boat together and as a team we can accomplish so much more and efficient. 

Yours sincerely Anders Bjorklund

söndag 23 oktober 2011

Human energy

This day is the special day of accomplishment and for reaching higher level of well being. Cause everything in life afflicts to the balance - Yin & Yang, female and male, black and white and so forth. It strives to maintain the balance of life contrary to the universal law of pandemonium where the chaos expand. This day is as magical as every other day, not with standing, every other day is "special" when you can make difference to others as well as every other person you meet - with a warm smile on your face. Enjoy your fellow citizen of this world and stand up against the universe. Make the ride of life meaningful.

lördag 22 oktober 2011

Metamorphosis of life

between dream and fantasy the tiny legs, moves in a high frequency as the red spider strives towards another destiny of adventure. Is the color red, really red or is it another color in this dream or fantasy. The mind always plays this game of controlling the believed world we live in. With the changing environment and new characters from our destiny in this random path we follow. Are the people we meet really a coincident or are the all part of this game. Every time I meet real hard resistance from life and "believed" random events. I end up in a new level of the story of my life - even more challenging and intriguing. .More interesting than the one before. I am real sure that this path of medicine is the only one, every sign from the first memories of ancient years - cause it feels like i have lived this life many times before, but in this life. I can not die. Every single time I should be a part of a unknown history. The life just start from the beginning, once again. Only difference is that the current vessel I'm in, just end up a little more scarred  with a more harsh appearance - think of the scared pirate, that just keep on going the same speed, but loses a limb or two - a cut here and a beat there. Still convinced that this is the artery of life for him, it actually makes him more assure than ever - like a navigating ship on a straight course - whit out a crew, just keep on going and never stops. Cause this is the line to follow, regardless if i want or not. I now I am on this earth for something big. The future will lead the way in this highway of information..... Finally I don't have any hurry anymore, I'm relaxed and chill. Due to the hardest part, from the sick bed to Medical school is over. I have done it! So the next step to be accepted to Karolinska, is just a matter of time. Regardless if it is one or three years from now - it doesn't matter. I have the hole adventure of life ahead of me. Just as the red spider running in the special direction, on a mission of life, in this dream beyond the fantasy of abysmal reality......

tisdag 18 oktober 2011

Read an analyze

Causes of emotional or psychological trauma
An event will most likely lead to emotional or psychological trauma if:

It happened unexpectedly.
You were unprepared for it.
You felt powerless to prevent it.
It happened repeatedly.
Someone was intentionally cruel.
It happened in childhood.
Emotional and psychological trauma can be caused by single-blow, one-time events, such as a horrible accident, a natural disaster, or a violent attack. Trauma can also stem from ongoing, relentless stress, such as living in a crime-ridden neighborhood or struggling with cancer.

Commonly overlooked causes of emotional and psychological trauma
Falls or sports injuries
Surgery (especially in the first 3 years of life)
The sudden death of someone close
A car accident
The breakup of a significant relationship
A humiliating or deeply disappointing experience
The discovery of a life-threatening illness or disabling condition

I have experienced it all, and some of them in one event. I hope I can encourage others to do the same things if you recognize any of the above. To seek help, so you can continue on your own path of interest.

Your sincerely Anders

måndag 17 oktober 2011

We are all a family

I will thank you all for the support you give me on my facebook page. Everytime some press the "like"" button or wright a comment on the wrighting, I gett even more energy to follow this endless voyage of study medicine. So I can make a difference for man kind. But now I will take a break for the brain, so I can return even stronger. Thank you all. I love all of my friends and the rest of the inhabitans in this world. Just love you all.....

I'm going in

To morrow I will go down to Stockholm by train. To enroll the mental ward of St:Görans Hospital. Bequase of my car accident - 40 to 60% mortality rate for acute subdural hematoma. 6 months afterwards I was a involantary father - the diagnosis was 2 years for the brain to heal, so no wonder I hade to wake up real fast., dead sister in my teens (drug overdose) and so forth. The perfect record for person to enroll medicine. But I'we made it all the way to Medical School and two kids from the car accident the 26'th of September - 04, however, my mental capacity is overloaded and running on fumes. It will be real interesting to see if I will ever come back from that place in Stockholm again. Will they let me out or not? Only time will tell. I feel so relived to go down there for some help. So my brain can realx. But I will memorize it all. So I won't waste any time.

fredag 14 oktober 2011

The answear is whitin your self

The tip of the day: Open your eyes, there is opportunities every where ever you go. Make a difference to man kind and "do not" be a clone of the society.

onsdag 12 oktober 2011

Back to Sweden

Aiming eaven higher. I will accmplish the no:1 academic goal in Sweden. Of course having fun doing it all the way from "Acute Subdural Hematoma" just to show that the world scientist have wrong regardig IQ. Real soon I will enter Swedish airspace once again. On my way back home to the country of great minds. See ya soon :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

tisdag 11 oktober 2011

Health science

And the race towards Med School Sweden is on. To follow my heart

Leave no body behind

I'm just back from the University with my documents from the application to Med School (I just ended) in my hand, I'm actually leaving this amazing school. Were I gave them all a big hug. With the word from the administration echoing in my ears: - We hope you can come back, cause you were so glad and joyful. Man this is tough, my tear are gushing from my tear ducts. I have done this marathon to Med school from nothing, a drooling retard in the hospital, for heading back home to to meet the kids. I just love them, can not do this by myself, knowing the are on another location and no contact. This was my biggest dream, crumbling down. But I can not leave them. It's my responsibility to help them with everything. I can not stay here without them. That's why I went into medicine for the first place cause I care about other more than for my self. I can not do this to the kids. However, I do know one thing; you can do exactly what ever you put your mind to - just work real hard. After my tears stop falling and I need to increase my water level and to continue at even higher pace. I will focus on next step of life. To get my as in on Medical School in Sweden - Karolinska institute. Nothing can stop me, I will have close contact with the amazingly kids: Saga and Terje. They are tagging along on this journey to and throw Med School in Stockhom. "LEAVE NOBODY BEHIND" IS THE MAIN MANTRA FROM MILITARY TRAINING!!!

måndag 10 oktober 2011

Just do it!

Next mission in life is to get in to Karolinska institute - Stockholm and to train the cardiovascular in Mora, Sweden. Moving up to the next level. Having fun doing it, cause life is a adventure in the name of altruism and health

Perfect help

In Pre Medical School i hade some help with the anatomy.

söndag 9 oktober 2011

Lex parsimoniae

Lex parsimoniae  - the law of simplicity or generally known as Occam's razor.

Do you want to start over, if you would have the chance - with some life experience and energy to make a difference - energy a.k.a. motivation? That is the question many ask them self, a couple of times in the short life span we people have on this earth. Trust me you older you get the faster time will pass. I'm living that life right now - the chance of doing it all over from the awakening in a hospital. Cause in the 26'th of September 2004. Me and a friend of mine drove a car of the road in the early morning - diagnosis: my friend acquired whiplash in the neck and an acute Subdoral Hematoma for myself.

Earlier in life I wanted to be a fighter pilot, but my eyesight was not good enough, from the 5'th grade of school. The vision was not bad, but enough for getting glasses. That sucks for an active kid on a mission towards "Top Gun" - in the 5'th grade 11 years old. I always had great plans, but no real one that I could stick to, no real raw models - except from TV. I want a job for the rest of my life. Cause I will never retire before horizontal position and cardiac arrest. But I didn't really know what to do with my life. As shown by my crooked path from a second grade school; a school for timber logging and guide people in the forest, over to the way of science and The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm - chemistry. I still haven’t graduated from that school. Interesting with chemistry but no people contact and to work in a lab was not for not for me cause I want instant result - at that time anyway. Of course my parents didn't understand why I dropped out. Cause they find a job and stick to it. After dropout, I was driving sport motor cycle with turbo, no driving license, that's why turbo was a perfect choice. Just seeking for adrenaline and action while I searching the life for my holy grail. Due to that foolish lifestyle I had a private chopper to Academic hospital of Uppsala (on the 26th of September - 04) for acute subdoral hematoma (location of blood outside the vessels of the brain).

From that time, everything has gone real fast. From a drooling retard until two kids and now Med School outside Sweden. I thought it was possible cause I'm living the dream in motivation and education. However, I miss the kids so much, I could die. Just want to learn them to ski, swim, they can teach me to climb - the are getting really good, so I heard - I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I feel so bad. I'm missing a big part of their growth. Missing be there for them and to motivate them in everything as in schoolwork and to have a great time, chasing them across the lawn. A good friend of mine once said when traveling to Prague visiting other medical students that it is real important to keep a clear and focused mind when study to become a doctor so you can focus without any distraction, because the amount of input. But I have a dark mind, due to bad conscience. Cause I think of the kids 24/7. It is impossible not to. I want to be proud of my doing and my lifestyle when I grew old. Not the one going abroad for study medicine without the kids. I just can't do that, I can't. That's why this is impossible for me, even though I love this place and all the inhabitants..

So what to do? It's real easy as the law of simplicity - the simplest explanation is often the right one, just to follow your heart. I will get in Med School back home, in Sweden (just to study real hard, so I can get in) while helping the kids so they can reach their goals of their own and be there when they are growing up. I miss them all the time. The idea to come home from Medical School and lay beside them, just to give them comfort while watching them sleep tight, real tight.I miss them so much, to much....

lördag 1 oktober 2011

Always a maverick, will never stop

I will never by a buss pass for the local transportation here in Kaunas, cause I already have the perfect transportation vessel - myself. On my way to increase running speed. So I can run in 18-20km/h for long distances. It's the best of feelings. So happy, pure happiness :-D :-D :-D Love you all!

Task force member

Notes from the 02 of October, 2011. Present location,Totoriy G. 10-6 44236 Kaunas, Lithuania. Time is 05:42:56 when I started of on my daily routines. Yesterday running in the woods of Kaunas a couple of clicks north of the "Klinika" (Lithuania for clinics). Running in 3.45 min/km. Approaching the favorite place (so far). The scenery: a very petite and small canyon with a small footbridge in the middle - over an small stream - where there is absolute silence and calm. The green roof of leaves - from the trees, shelter this place, just a couple rays from the morning sun reaches the ground in a striped pattern. While the fresh "not polluted" air from factories or traffic, are as authentic and real it can be, In each breath of fresh air. Deep inside my arteries and veins - in the respiratory system. My foot steps - makes a muffled sound - thump, thump! when approaching the small footbridge, over the tiny stream. If you have seen the movie, The quest for finding "The Holy Grail" - by Monty Python. There is a scene where the Black Knight guards the crossing over a small brook. Then you now how narrow it is. But in the same time, the surroundings are so mystic - a fantasy world in contrast to the real urbanized world of the city - not far away. Posterior (medical term) of the tiny brook there is a tortuous narrow trail up to the top of the small canyon, it reaches all the way to an natural platform. Where there is everything you need for training your body in a muscular way. The steep trail is perfect, so you can forge ahead in high speed letting the arms oscillate  - to put the arms in action - so you can keep the momentum (velocity and mass) - Biomechanics in practical terms.Yesterday I meet an athletic looking man named Alex, with his young companion Bricka - a Rhodesian Ridgeback (One year old, birthday today). Alex had a perfect tight hand shake and focused stare. Very disciplined and strict - probable background in the military or police. To focused and fit for "not" to be an member of a task force or dog handler, recording due to the choice of dog. He is  regularly at this place - training. I guess we will run in to each other on a regular basis - we had a good contact, a disciplined gentleman.

Yours truly Andy

torsdag 29 september 2011

Never forget your past

160 minutes daily exercise will end this day. The day before Medical Physics - the start of Medical School. Since the trip to Indonesia, I have real hard to indulge myself to unnecessary things - spoil myself, cause we are so spoiled in this part of the world, taking so much for granted. That's why it's feels so wrong to go to the cinema. However, I will head down to Acropolis - the mall, to see a movie, feel the neurotransmitters from my training and to relax for an hour or two. However it feels wrong, so wrong. But I know why I'm going in to medicine from the beginning - never forget my past, and to make a difference for man kind - that's a promise..Enjoy your evening. Yours truly, Andy....

Love the challenge

Soon the dark period of the northern hemisphere will embrace the small town of Kaunas - winter time, will come and the air will be enriched by oxygen and cold air can travel throw the Trachea and Bronchial tree for the perfect gas exchange in the alveolar sac and Capillaries. My long time plan to increase the cardiovascular performance for the big event further on - will have the perfect environment, as in Medical School. Cause there will be a lot of "resting time" - reading and to master the awareness of my own physical endurance. When the Cerebral hemisphere will rest from the intense input of information. I can enjoy my own vessel of performance in the amazingly forest of Kaunas. For now I feel the energy from the high speed running this morning, is back. So let's run towards the forest. Remember: You are capable of anything. You can be the best of the best - It's up to yourself. So just do it!

Your sincerely Anders

tisdag 27 september 2011

The black cube

An endless source of medical information is stored, within this blockade of glass and steel - so I heard, lets find out!


In the 1400 century, the Lithuanian expansions reached the black sea - the peak of there greatness. At the same time Poland and Lithuania made an union. Due to the exceptional manpower from Poland, the modest size of Lithuania and it's inhabitants, they were displaced by Poland. Many hundred years later on in the 1800 century, the Swedes lead by Gustaf X were fighting Poland and made an alliance to Lithuania - for a short period of time - which we all know of in Scandinavia - If we were awake on the history lessons. After the retreat of the Swedes the results were as follows: The Lithuanian people were in the hands of the Russians, but the people of the small country on the Baltic seaboard there were fighting the Russians, the Lithuanian people wanted to be on there own - as all the other people of the worlds nations. It went on and of for many years. The Russians were next door and the country of Lithuania was a small and easy target for the big power of Russia.

In the middle of the 2000 century  in the year -41 to -44 the Nazis were here for a short period of time - forcing the Russians to leave the country. When the second world war was over. The long occupation for over 50 years, took place by the Russians. Later on when the US won the cold war and the Russians have to rebuild the there own nation, due to an economic depression. The remnants from the great Russian dominance for over  half a century are still here, in old building - architecture from the past. It is an admirable city on it's way to rise again. The history often repeats it self over and over again as in the fact of history - that small nations easily can be used by greater powers as stepping stone to conquer more land and to reach bigger nations. This the country and it's residents. Is on it's way to strengthen and rise, in the way as a small nation - in the name of capitalism and structure.Cause we have real strong small nations as Switzerland, Norway and Monaco in Europe due to stable economic. So now it's time for Lithuania to succeed. In many ways I, recognize myself; in a short period of time, 7 years in comparison to the history of a hole country - metaphorical speaking. From the car accident witch resulted in "acute subdural hematoma"- mortality rate 60-80% (a bleeding in the brain) the 26'th of September 2004. Just 7 years ago, I had to start all over again to learn the balance - keep the equilibrium and to interact with other homo sapiens, from a drooling hospitalized cretin with no balance. I remember the feeling of trying to cross a ditch, it was Grand Canyon in my world. But i knew, I will never give up, rather the opposite. Do it faster than the doctors council. The physical abilities was easy, however, the mental part as cognitive, memory and logical skill took a long time to heal.

In a small way - metaphorical speaking, I have a lot in common with Lithuania. On my way to rise again, much stronger and wiser of life experience to seize the day, every day.. Cause I'm convinced that "The pen is mightier than the sword" coined by Edward Bulwer -Lytton in 1839. That's why I have a "feeding frenzy" in litterature and cardiovascular training, due the amount of reading, I need to take care of my body - the life is to short for doing nothing, and for mishandling the body. I don't drink alcohol (except a beer to relax) or caffeine containing beverages, tries to keep a nutritious and regular intake of food.Since the accident, I can not stay still and do "nothing" instructive. I live the day as it's my last, just 100% in everything - meaning, doing the best I can. Sometimes I overachieve - in good as well as bad, however, I always learn from the wrong doings, trust me it happens a lot, I am not the favorite person in my old entourage, cause I can be perceived as very swift in my actions - cause I don not "waste time". So sitting here in the country of Lithuania Starting Med-School tomorrow at 1130. In the name of overachieving myself: from acute Subdural Hematoma (SDH) to become a neurosurgeon - how hard it can be? Only time will tell and I won't back down,  only the horizontal way with cardiac arrest can stop me. Only success matters. Cause I want to help other people in the same way medicine helped me - neurosurgery - in the name of altruism.

måndag 19 september 2011


The amazing view from Besakih Temple of Bali - preferable known as the mother temple of Bali. Definitive the most memorable trip of my life, affects my personal growth in the spiritual and mental part - Mom I on the top of the world! Just 12 years of hard studying, between me and the big academic goal of becoming a surgeon. Time, is insignificant and just a measurement for the race of life, in the name of altruism.

Power of nature

The power of water; 1 m3 weighs a ton, the board snapped in two pieces in a nano second. Regarding my self, it was just some saltwater in the nasal cavity and back on the horse again. I feel so at home in the water, just love ocean, nevertheless I'm better in and under the water. To ride on the water, I need much more practice and time for training, however the time I spent on the camp was so fulfilling in both informational classes, movies and practice out in the breaks. I learned a lot from this camp

Diversity of life

I admire the people of Indonesia - the part I've visit over the last month before Med School, the ones on the lowest part of the food change - the one's without family help. They struggle for survival every day, without any routines or safety-net to fall back on. Thinking of them every day 24/7. That make it hard to indulge myself in useless items that's not essential for life, outside of, small training gadgets as a new heart rate monitor - I definitely do not need that for survival or well being. But in the way of medicine and to be a doctor for as long as I physically is capable of. I need to be fit and healthy, so I can live a long and healthy life as a future doctor of medicine. That why I will continue to advance in cardiovascular training. A cheap and real easy way of be in shape. Running, swimming and cycling (when my economy allow it - cycling is the expensive part of cardiovascular training, nevertheless, running and swimming is as cheap as it gets). For now I sit here in an amazingly apartment looking out on the perfect weather for running - rain, makes the air fresh and oxidized, so the alveolar sack can diffuse the oxygen out to the muscles via the capillaries and arteries. However, I sit here among statues, sarongs, filled bags and other packing of my trip from Indonesia. On my way to my parents place to pack my belongings for the trip to Med School. This last month have been extremely almighty in imprints, from a diversity of events, feelings and on. It is hard to keep it up, I need the luxury of sleep, thing that other people don't have time for, feels so wrong to sleep, so wrong, anyway I start to dose of, more and more. If I could, I would sleep 2 hours a night and feed myself intravenous and just study, train and read some more....But I am human, I need the luxury of sleeping once and in while, for now anyway...

lördag 17 september 2011

Amazing song

Lex Luthor

Notes from Lombok, the 14'th of September. Among the white smiling faces of kids, parents and the elderly in a village, of the southern part of Lombok. I see joy and happiness. The kids playing on the main street; a narrow, bumpy village road filled with holes, "free" dogs (dogs living there), crossing chickens chased by the virile rooster of the village, woman emptying water from the dishes. The kids have the "time of there life", big white smiles - as i should be in the younger days of the youth, pure fun - the way to learn motor skills, and to adapt for the environment.

Just got back from the mall of Mataram - where I staying the last night of my visit to the island of Lombok. The contrast are breathtaking and conspicuous, of the new material world we live in - the money profit part of the globe. Kids playing with the new toys, driving small scale cars, custom made for children, however, the kids are not as happy as the kids playing on the streets of Gerupuk, Lombok (the small village I just visited, filled with holes and chickens). But the parents running behind the kids in Mataram mall, where the kids driving small scale, Ferrari's, BMW and Mercedes - they justifies the kids to be clones of there wellsprings - the parents, the are the ones smiling and having fun. Trust me, the kids from spartan way of living in Gerupuk, arrays much more happiness notwithstanding physical endurance and motivation of life. These reflections from the new experiences I got in Bali and Lombok, makes me feel concerned about the small presents I just got to my own offspring's; Saga and Terje. Classical toys in a typical genus perspective, nevertheless some other cultural things from the old cultivation of the Island of Lombok - present they will understand further up on the road (when they get older), that's why I also bought the more general toys, they recognize. I have a uniform idea of optimizing the living and to make a difference for my own offspring, and to make the "right" ethic/morality choices of life, for all people I come in contact with, hopping to be a inspirer for fellow world citizen's. Remember, pure happiness, don't grow on trees, in the world we are use to. Just wanna make a difference for man kind, helping out.
Your sincerely "Lex Luther" a new nick name I got, from the head coach of surf camp Lombok


Notes from Bali, the 28'th of August. The "photo hour" - last hour of warm colorful light when the sun heading down in the horizon. Buildings, objects and nature become much more graceful and beautiful for the naked eye, this hour of light before sunset. The sharp daylight from the sun transforms to an artist of perfection, displaying the earth as an lovely painting. "Pura Tanah Lot", a winsome Temple with the base on a exposed cliff, at the west part of Bali. Surrounded by thespian rocks and an amazingly garden, are storage on my SD-card, doing my best trying to save the moment by photo. Clearly the best thing is to be here live - undoubtedly. For now, moving on towards the next episode of life

Tears from life

Notes from Bali, the 26'th of August. 5 minutes from home, feeling the speed in my legs, are well adapted to the soft soil, the beach provide - as close to the ocean i get whit out soaking my shoes, completely. I feel the endurance getting better for every single step - I like the flow. Turning up towards the street for some walking and cooling down. After 50 meters on the sidewalk. I meet a adorable, little child walking next to me - begging for money. I show her my running clothes - no cash or anything. I feel real bad, bad indeed. She looks up to me, with her tangled black hair. And I looking in to the tiny beautiful dark eyes. When a tear slowly, slowly runs from her tear canals. One, more, and then both eyes are tearful, at the same second she turns away her head, as she feels ashamed of the tears. I go down next to her, asking for her mother. She showing me with a diffuse movement her mother - to the left of us, sitting against the fence, towards an old construction site - with a baby in her lap. I feel the lumps in my throat and my eyes getting more and more shiny, struggle real hard, for not start crying myself. I guess It's better to stay strong and show real attention to the small family, trying so hard getting my tear from stream, real hard. They live there, when thinking about it, I have seen them there earlier in the week. I ask the mother, how the can get money, cause there's no well fair or social security system in this country. It's the family's supporting each other, but this is a small family. They get there income from tourist, selling bracelets. The mother, name Wyan. Trying to keep a god face, but the truth shines straight through her. I know she is doing everything for keeping the face - for her daughter sake. The mother is the back bone, the only comfort Joma has (the small girls name). Joma are hungry and slowly start dosing of, hard to stay awake, against the fence, getting more and more tired. I say to the mother, - i will run home and get money for you. She looks at me with real grateful expression, saying : promise you come back? - I will, trust me, you have my word. I run as fast as I can. With the small beautiful eyes on my retina, while my tears fall, falling, all the way back to Arthawan "losemen" - where I live. When coming back to the small family, two more people are there, two older men, better to speak English, cause the mother could only say, there names and pleas bye "holding up the bracelets" and simple quotes in English. I bye a bracelet, for a big sum, hoping for some difference, and knowing that there is many tourists in Kuta beach, I hope, I hope. I will never forget the face on Joma, when she tried to hide her tears and to stay awake. I'm sitting her at an internet cafe (restaurant) thinking of the small girl - Joma, with her family living on the street, with her little sister. The other child on Wyans lap, also named Wyan. Thinking of her, stuck on my retina, forever, I guess, forever.............Trying to stay awake, holding her tears.......holding her tears....

I'm in love...

Notes from Bali, the 26'th of August. Pure happiness, pure happiness, everywhere I go, I see people with good spirits and big Colgate smiles - people on the country side and the periphery. Now referring to the inhabitant of Bali - Indonesia. Wherever I turn, there is friendly outgoing persons. This significantly fact, regardless of social class is especially strong in the pore citizen. Of course, the fact that my physical appearance as a white person gather curious looks - because it is synonym to cash and wealth. Nevertheless I can't ignore the true shine and warmth from them all. This people live in Spartan way of living. The have a tread in common, is there structure (discipline), clothes (school uniform) and super trimmed peripheral looks. And big jolly smiles among them. However, I can see some sad school children, which often are over weight children - same all over the world -This is just a thesis, but remember that we all want to fit in to the group, as other animal. "No rocket science" -  do you want to be over weight?. I believe that well structure in combination to personal interest(a.k.a.,fun) - for the individually person is the recipe for success. Conclusion, this people is very poor, but have a good school policy, to invest in the youth. I see a lot of possibilities, in this country,cheep living, to start with a small estate on the beach in Bali, further on down the road. Just love this place, warmth, friendly, amazing waves - for those experienced "dudes" - hopefully me in a couple of years from now on. I'm in love....


Notes from Bali, the 26'th of August. Neurotransmitters are activated at 0600 this morning. Just back home (present location)" from morning run. Sitting at a beautiful restaurant waiting for an "home" made American breakfast with fresh orange juice.Now I will look for a driver to take me to "Besakih" - Bali's Mother Temple located on the high slope of Mount Agung, 3132 meters


Notes from Bali, the 24'th of August. Endorphins runs throw my body and veins, activated by 1 minutes intervals, in company of the huge blood red sun on it's way to vanish in the horizon, the warm silk-like air travels throw the oral cavity. While my own red running shoes hits the white sand - in a high frequency, sounds like muffled thumps - "dumph, dumph" My vascular system, arteries and veins - connecting lungs, heart and muscles for higher performance, transporting oxygen and waste products. This is life as it's best. My body and mind is constructed for high stimulus of the "runner high" (endorphins). I'm addicted of the bodies own state of "euphoria". I see everything so clear and feel so mere alive, as my interest for the endocrine system increases, more and more. I have to know it "all", about the body's own function - inside out. I say it again, sport medicine is pure passion, pure passion....

New moon

Notes from Bali, the 22'th of August. My skin head look, with shaggy clothes and a slim limp, marked on my left leg - House stile, apparently getting all the attention, from the drug dealers and prostitutes. I guess, this is a wild wild guess, It can't be possible, to get so much offers in distance of a 100 yards, Viagra, Ephedrine(perfect if you wanna make amphetamine, if you know your organic chemistry) Cocaine - true story, and sex. Of course it's Bali and Kuta area, but anyway. I haven't had take a proper look in the mirror, for a long, long time. And my other clothes are at the laundry service. Maybe I stand out among other lose men - not a good sign at all, trust me. Regarding my limp, it's because my thongs I guess (flip flop). They are useless for distance over 10 feet on sandy beaches. They are now history, my old old Nike's (Triax) are back on my feet, where they belong. My foot must be better, I miss the late night running, at the beach. But I'm waiting for the moon, to shadow me on the cardiovascular.

On Sunday the 28'th there is a new moon, according to the tide chart - I'm waiting......

Bad as

Notes from Bali, the 22'th and 23'th of August.
I am on the other side of the globe, no friends, family or relatives and money left , except 180 000 Rupiah(134 kr) - cause my credit card was on an personal "road trip" whit out me. Nordea (Swedish bank) was not fast to deal with, regarding money transfer. So I took the scooter and went for a long trip towards the higher parts of Bali, on the countryside (instead of feeling cranky and low) - where the rice fields are. Driving real fast with the scooter ( 40-60 km/h) when somebody suddenly taped my on right shoulder - at this high speed. There he was, a cool looking dude with black Oakley's. So I gently pulled over. He was so cool and manly when he slowly walked up next to me, he walked in super slow mo, as an classic Highway patrol officer, in a American movie from the 80's. I felt this is was real bad, bad indeed, cause I didn't have driving license or registration with me, and ad the traffic violations, I have broken on my crouch rocket - vespa. I needed to act as a an poor tourist, student, surfer boy, with no money or hope - (actually It was true, except for the hopeless part). So he could feel more superior, as an "GOD" of the highway. In a way, I tried real hard to keep my sad, emphatic impression on my face and not to burst in to laughter when this 5 foot long police officer with Oakley's approached me, remember, in super slow motion - as a bad cop from a Dirty Harry movie.
- license and registration please!
I had to keep to my role character. Apparently I rode the red light and no driving license. This was so bad, not a situation to argue with Dirty Harry, however, he was a simple police officer used to struggle with the math in high school. Simple psychology should do the trick( I hoped). I was apposed to attend at court in 14 day from this day, (can't do that, I'm in Lombok at that date, trying to learn surfing - I was thinking to my self), to pay my fine of 2 500 000 ruphia (1864kr). We talked on, and finally he let me go with a warning, and left - of course, in super slow mo in the extremely manly way, he was a bad as - In his own point of view anyway. Thank you not spoiling my visit to Bali, Mr police officer.

Now the flight to Lombok and the local surf camp in on. Leaving Bali,  the 31'th of August. Heading to the jungle, with all the mosquito and malaria. Malarone is packed. Moving on. B-)

No cash

Notes from Bali, the 21'th of August. My credit card is on the run - by it self. Meaning, I'm 10 meals from 0 money. Emailed Nordea, Sweden. Waiting for a new card and money. My luck depends on DHL - se how fast the really are. Just waiting and living as cheap as possible. Might go out in the jungle, to slay a wild boar - for dinner. Surfs up dudes B-)

Lonely surfer

Notes from Bali, the 20'th of August.

The surroundings was pitch black, real dark, nevertheless,  light from the long colon of oncoming traffic, interrupted the darkness - a long line of scooters, other tiny vehicles and surf cars (minivans). A lot of activity but a peaceful feeling of it all -  anyway. I was one  a long trip(for a scooter) on the countryside of Bali 15 clicks(15 kilometers) north of Kuta beach. Traveled throw small, sleeping villages, when I finally reached Echo beach in the middle of nowhere, a restaurant enlightened the shoreline, perfect place for a short stop. I saw a lonely surfer looking man, eating a meal - looking out, towards the breaks from the 7-14 feet waves on the reef. I took contact, just smiled and introduced myself to the athlete. His name were Mikael from Luxembourg. It was an perfect contact(for my agenda), same feeling as I got with an doctor and athlete in Stockholm - good spirit. He was an triathlete and surfer. Done Kalmar, Ironman, 6 times. Al calm, cool, easy going person. I asked about tips and important things regarding surfing - cause I now less than nothing about reading the ocean, sets of waves, currents, structures of the bottom, reefs and on. Even though I was standing on the second try, I now, this is "the tip of the ice berg" - I'm clueless in surfing. I need to interview the real surfers - not the money profit surf schools, on the beach that take money and push out the customers on there own - without any knowledge of the ocean. I got real good advise from the "dude". Thanked him for the useful information and went back home, on the tortuous small village roads - in the obscure  night. Thinking of the advise a got. When back at  hostel - Arthawan (looseman), wheres my current residency is. I put on my running shoes, and went for a nice 90 min run at the beach, in the company of big waves, hitting on the shoreline, listening of the sound from the city night - a variety of different music, from all partying clubs and restaurants. Thinking of my my next step on this voyage. So now I'm sitting here at an internet cafe. Just sent an email to surf camp Lombok(hoping for a free spot), where they teach you the basics in surfing, so I can travel Europe in the "small" spare time of Medical school - the years to come.
Your sincerely Anders from Kuta - Bali


Once every year, between August and September, the shoreline of Bali - feels the force of nature. Unforgiven waves hit the beaches and the current are harsh. That's why my first day of surfing - yesterday,- it were a "little" bit breathtaking - I'll promise you. The local surfers showing their absence - don't need to be a rocket scientist to now why. Today I went down to the beach seeking for a local surfer - I needed the information for reading the ocean. So I can surf whiteout risking my life and limps - to much anyway. I meet a local surf guru, named "Rocky" a tanned athletic built man in his 40-60'is ( hard to guess the age, trust me it was) old cool "dude" anyway. He sat there by his tribe of "easy going" surfers. All so glad and chilled - just love there attitude, big fat white smiles of pure happiness, among the all. Rocky told me that you mast be crazy or stupid to go out under these conditions - not worth it. Just wait, on Sunday the ocean will be more forgiving. When the surface "hopefully" are mirror like, and nice sets of waves hit the beaches in perfect swells. That's what I'm waiting for. So now it's time for some documentation by camera - instead, resting the body and mind. I also have moved to an cheaper accommodation - third the renting price for the other one, and free breakfast. So now it's real "looseman way of living" for the rest of the trip. Enjoying the journey of endless learning in a breath taking atmosphere. Surfs up dudes :-D

Charging batteries of my first day in heaven - I'm not a god (for a long long time)

Sitting here in a small internet cafe in the center of Kuta( great point breaks for surfing in Bali no 4 ranking of the world) between Poppis (Street name) 1 and Poppis 2. Just doing my daily notes on Facebook, cause I can't reach my main blog account (Med school 2011) from this terminal. Sitting here and planing the day to come. Up early to use the high tides - better conditions for surfing - less currents and hopefully better mirror like water and smooth swells. Not as today where the waves were cruel and unforgiving. The instructors warned for surfing even as a beginner in the white waves, nevertheless, I'm stubborn and wanted as much out of the day as possible, surfed anyway, now sitting here with a sore ankle, however, early morning I will start my second day of surfing - as an newbie (apprentice, rookie). It is time to use all information (a lot of it) and try to catch waves, stand on the board, and use it to make left or right turns so I can advance to a smaller board - I guess, it will be some time, days weeks?! I need a lot of practice and to stay calm all the way. Not as cardiovascular training where you push your body to the max - as in intervals for the speed and to manage low level of lactic acid (C3H6O3 - milk acid). So hard focus on the technique and to rest when the boy is to tired - for concentration, not to push it, cause I will manage all my time in Bali, without any injury or in the wore case DEATH - the waves are amazing but harsh. I will bring the camera to the beach some day and catch the monsters on an SD-card - with my small Nikon. Soon it's early morning on the 19'th of August at Kuta beach in Bali. For now it's a good night sleep, and let the cerebral hemisphere (your brain) process all the information of today. Surf up dudes :-D
Your sincerely Anders

First day on a surfboard - ever

Standing on a surf board for the first time in my life, on the second try, however the injured ankle from the accident, at work just before the trip - mangled by a fork lift made it's presence, in the bad conditions, as low tide and strong currents, however, now I'm ready to rumble again. Rented a board for 28 days - for a amazing prize - not to tell, or the guy will go bankrupt - regarding to rumors, for to low prices, trust me, it's possible to go real low in cost for the board - thanks to smart bargain. Now it will be early surfing to improve my apprentice way of surfing. Just regularly smart training with my "huge" board - long way from a big gun(small fast board for the big waves). Surfs up B-)......

måndag 15 augusti 2011

I guess...​=o1O2Ikahh9o&feature=related
Acceptance to Med-school is the only thing reminding me of returning to Europe - furter on, I guess.......BIG ASS SMILE :-D

lördag 13 augusti 2011


So it turns out, there is a such thing as dying of boredom. Therefore, I always have to be thinking even at work, running, doing sex(true story) and one of the reasons not enjoying conversations, about nothing at all interesting - as weather, clothes, cars and other material things - just boring. Because seriously, there is always a new puzzle to solve.

From zero to this (hospitalized to Med-School)

This path, of increasing knowledge and fysical endurance, from zero, squat, nothing (a slobbery, drooling retard) is the "ride" of my life. I can't stop, just wan't to learn more, experience much more and follow my dreams from early infancy(childhood years). Some abilities are amazing - for my own point of view, and other are still low(by my own standards), however, it's an amazing personal endless voyage towards medicine and surfing. Just love you all. BIG ASS SMILE :-D

Experience of a small infection

One thing I have learned under these years - from my journey back to a normal life (since my hospitalization -04, two kids and triathlon training) is my body's function, inside and out. Within 4 days I am 100% again. Just listen to my body and relaxing - sleeping, drinking water, keeping a nutritious intake and reading a good book not with standing the side effects from Twinrix (Vaccine for Hepatitis A and B ) I took 4 days ago is generally feeling unwell. So it's expected. No rocket science, just my immune system up and going :-D


I am feeling a small infection within the body, might originate in my posterior part of my oral cavity, I will definitely go home after job and gargle some iodine (gurgla jod för att jag har känningar i bakre delen av mun
hålan) - reduces the transport of bacteria - kill the bacteria.

Furher on​e/xchg/se_division_web_live/hs​.xsl/topp-10-surfstaellen.htm
I will not live in Sweden, further on. I love the summer, ocean and mountains. I guess, it's in my blood - adventure


Just back home from the ER of SÖS (hospital in the south part of Stockholm). X-ray on my left foot. It was battered at work this morning by a fork lift. The personnel were great, showed me the X-ray other techniques. Gladly there was no fracture on the scan - which were my big concern regarding my surf trip to Bali next week. I meet a real nice doctor with the same name as on of my good friends - Michelle Ek, both Michelles are smart and very sporty. Great personalities. I guess Michelle Ek is a athletic name. :-D

fredag 12 augusti 2011

I can thank my life as it is today to neurosurgery, and I love the science way of thinking, however, I can't ignore some special events of life. That's hard to explain in a rational manner. nevertheless I just keep on doing It my way and time will tell. If this way is a chosen one or destiny. Time will tell ;-D


I'm going out for "after work" just to return from nocturnal living to normal life. Socialize a bit, cause I now have to get my as back on ground once again. No social life and graveyard shift. Made me I bit "fucked up" and strange, not with standing no training since Monday, made me real crazy. Well for now I'm back again. Regular training and longing for the white beaches of Bali. I will have to set a new record in cheap living, but I have a good old plan for that. See ya! B-)

lördag 6 augusti 2011

Smooth awakening​=o7MhpFF1vv0
Was overtired in a back seat of high way 101 (-06 in Californa) , late night and the only visible light was from the from traffic lights and  oncoming traffic. the surroundings were pich black, the first time I heard this song. One of the best awakenings ever - great memory...

Never forget your past​=numCZoBFcv4&ob=av2e
Emotions are the best, this song reminds me of my long lost sister, who died of a drug overdose in my early teens. Memory of her is the backbone of my motivation to become a doctor

Raw models, for me anyway

Example of great persons(The Red Hot Chili Peppers), that beaten the odds raised from the gutter and are successful within there area of interest. Just love' em. Surf up dudes! B-)

Ctrl. C on each other

"Hot Light, Cold Steel" a great book I'm reading right now from Michale J. Collins MD, an hilarious doctor (Orthopedic surgeon at the Mayo clinic) in the US, with a great sense of humor - much self-irony, where he describes himself in embarrassing and funny situations. It's an easy read book, with less medical language. Trust me I read parts of in the metro. One second I cry, for in the next second start laughing, of course other passenger were interested in my sudden change of mood. It's so amazing to see how other people react to my mood change. It's contagious, the surrounding react in the same way. Just love the psychological part, when you can make other to be glad by, by showing genuine happiness, when your hole face laughs even the tight wrinkles of your skin lateral of your eye are distinctive, as sharp lines transverse from the eye in a lateral direction. Obviously it work perfect the other way around, angry, depressed, intrigued and amazed. The two last ones is perfect if you want curious looks from the opposite gender (genus, sex- man, girl). Particulary with females, the are easily controlled by emotions. Now I must keep on reading. See ya!

Two choices

I'm laying here in my small bed, Stockholm - a room of 12m3 and my immune system fighting something. I got two choices; no 1, is to be pissed of regarding my health status and performance of life(I was a lost boy for a long time of my life - now 35 years old). no 2, is to be glad for Med school(this fall) and great contacts, I choose no 2, by heart, cause I'm alive and aiming for a healthy life in the name of altruism - it's the least I can do for my previous actions of life. So good morning folks, we seems to have a great day in front of us. :-D

fredag 5 augusti 2011

Magical song!​=o7MhpFF1vv0 
Was overtired in a back seat of high way 101 (-06)- California, the first time I heard this song. One of the best awakenings ever B-)

torsdag 9 juni 2011

"runs deep" - why I'm running - from 29'th of December

70 min of amazingly run in Djurgården – the cold black water from ”Östersjön” where pices of broken is – from the isbreaker, gently floates in in the beautiful night and reflecting the big city lights of Stockholm. The fresh and oxidized winter air runs deep through my vascular system – arteries and veins. My mind, has as long as I can remember, been set on a analytical mode. I ‘ve hard takig orders – if I don’t know it’s valid or correct. I have to know. I like the driver seat, there is no other way.  While others use running and other form of ”solo” cardio vascular exercises for it’s philopsophical moment – a break for the mind. My selfe I’m use it for a break in the studies -  the input is fresh and repeating it selfe while running (the information from the books) as well as I’m planing the next step in life. While my knowledge increases – motivation amplifies in an exponetially growth- like a T4-virus droping the information (receipt) to the ribosomes of an host cell (bacteria) and the information copeis – the new virus parts assemblies  into complete new virus particles. The host cell burst open and releases 100 to 200 new particle viruses and they can start a new cycle by infecting nearby cells. It’s an exponentiel growth as well as my knowledge increases in an exponential manner.
Last nigth, was my first salsa lesson. ”Elephant on the run” I’m so in to the music and the natural rythm it causes in the body – It’s impossible to be still – trust me, it’s impossible. I’m loving it, as well as the big challenge for my mind,  following the new steps and multiple dance partners (changing all the time – just when I get the hang of it – in my mind anyway) – I quess it’s the way of learning salsa – training on new partners so the information sets in the ”back bone” (as we say in Sweden).  I’ts deffinitely my new interest. Now it’s back to the books – for know.

Your sincerely Anders

lördag 4 juni 2011


en pair of Nimbus , the body as vessel around Djurgården via Globen and over to Karlbergs obstacle course where I ran into an nice and ambitious athlete named Lars Cornéer – cyclist.  In the obstacle course where the momentum is the superior factor – velocity and mass and back to the Old town of Stockholm for optimizing RBC production (Red blood cells/Erythrocytes) which is  rich of hemoglobin in their cytoplasm. Hemoglobin contains Iron and capable of binding oxygen. Increasing amount of RBC will increase my ability of endurance sport. Main objective is  a special event this summer. Which is the main reason for increasing the time of training in an almost exponential manner. Using my own body as a test laboratory. Commitment, organized hard training  showing how perplex and profoundly the human anatomy is – whitin increasing endurance over a period of time. As an extremely rich student, My agenda will exclude my Polar watch and high tech gadgets. Optimizing my body, mind and cardio vascular system in one perfect syncronized unit.
One of Albert Einstein thesis : ”The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” Going my own way in knowing the body and mind, leave out high tech. The human mind is lazy and need stimulans for reaching higher goals. Going back to ancient Greece where the body and mind was perfect. As well as extreme stamina and strength.
Keep training in the free world with a big smile


A rainy day in the beginning of November 2004 I opened my eyes. Scanning the dark room, wich gave a solitary impression – where was I?
Due to recognition of the well made beds, alarm buttons attached to the bed and IV racks, I knew where I was lying – in a Swedish hospital. The doctor later informed me of the diagnosis (when I was able to communicate), acute subdural hematoma (mortality rate 60-80%). I had two choices. First one was to follow the instructions and slowly getting the old active life back – as it were before. Second choice (my own, the doctor only gave me one choice) was to do it faster. My heart chose the second alternative. I missed my close ones, especially my father and mother – my mental level was as an 8 year old boy trapped in an older vessel. I wanted to go home as soon as possible – it was the motivation of my life.

Almost 7 years later I am finished with a pre-med course here in Stockholm and accepted to a medical school close to Stockholm. The experiences I got due to the hospilatization motivates me to increase my knowledge in medicine and physiology – amplyfying my passion for the human anatomy and the power of mind if you have determination.

As a ski instructor or personal trainer I have as long as I remember always been eager to motivate and help others using playfulness as a tool, I have traveled to different places of the globe – travels that has involved amazing experiences of interacting with new cultures and people. I’ve always dreamt of kids of my own. Now I am a father of two wonderfull children which I adore. This makes me aware og how fragile and meaningful life is. Due to life changing events I have gained a lot of experiences. One of them was to be hospitalized for a period of my life. I have had to start all over to learn to maintain equilibrium and use the body in an mechanical manner. I have been in the same state as many of my future patients, something that will give me the ability of really understand and foster trust between me and my future patients. I have the luck to prosper in life due to amazing neurosurgery at Uppsala academic hospital. It was sincere fascination with life that sparked my enthusiasm for medicine.

Starting Med School this fall 2011

Let the odyssey begin