Off course, the general foundation of self-esteem and a healthy living both mentally as physically comes from happiness - aka fitting in among the others of the flock(in young years - before they can see beyond the many times "wrong" ideal of media). Kids can be real harsh and cruel among each other. But human beings are as many other animals of the planet. The reject the ones not fitting in - because it is naturally and they are not educated(the bullies) in the way of showing respect to others. The ones bulling are also the ones that will have a hard time when they grow up - not fitting in. Reaching the parents are the base - they can make the foundation of education in a social manner. When the parent can't be reached the the children. Are in the hands of good raw models to shadow and to look up to. The body is an ancient vessel made for physical activity and hormones are the treat for physically activity and neurotransmitters are released - so the mind can grasp the information in class much easier. By teaching in a funny and appealing way, you can teach in the most efficient way - by motivation to learn. So the general idea is to motivate the kids to learn, the kids in there own area of interest. To pin point in an early state what they will become when the graduate. Physical activity is an foundation for own motivation. So the kids learn to follow through school and to follow there own area of interest - by self esteem have the own guts to make a difference for them self. The kids are the future and they need our attention - all the children both over weight, bullies, handicapped, prom queens jocks and so forth. We are all in this boat together and as a team we can accomplish so much more and efficient.
Yours sincerely Anders Bjorklund