måndag 24 oktober 2011
We are in this boat together
Off course, the general foundation of self-esteem and a healthy living both mentally as physically comes from happiness - aka fitting in among the others of the flock(in young years - before they can see beyond the many times "wrong" ideal of media). Kids can be real harsh and cruel among each other. But human beings are as many other animals of the planet. The reject the ones not fitting in - because it is naturally and they are not educated(the bullies) in the way of showing respect to others. The ones bulling are also the ones that will have a hard time when they grow up - not fitting in. Reaching the parents are the base - they can make the foundation of education in a social manner. When the parent can't be reached the the children. Are in the hands of good raw models to shadow and to look up to. The body is an ancient vessel made for physical activity and hormones are the treat for physically activity and neurotransmitters are released - so the mind can grasp the information in class much easier. By teaching in a funny and appealing way, you can teach in the most efficient way - by motivation to learn. So the general idea is to motivate the kids to learn, the kids in there own area of interest. To pin point in an early state what they will become when the graduate. Physical activity is an foundation for own motivation. So the kids learn to follow through school and to follow there own area of interest - by self esteem have the own guts to make a difference for them self. The kids are the future and they need our attention - all the children both over weight, bullies, handicapped, prom queens jocks and so forth. We are all in this boat together and as a team we can accomplish so much more and efficient.
Yours sincerely Anders Bjorklund
Off course, the general foundation of self-esteem and a healthy living both mentally as physically comes from happiness - aka fitting in among the others of the flock(in young years - before they can see beyond the many times "wrong" ideal of media). Kids can be real harsh and cruel among each other. But human beings are as many other animals of the planet. The reject the ones not fitting in - because it is naturally and they are not educated(the bullies) in the way of showing respect to others. The ones bulling are also the ones that will have a hard time when they grow up - not fitting in. Reaching the parents are the base - they can make the foundation of education in a social manner. When the parent can't be reached the the children. Are in the hands of good raw models to shadow and to look up to. The body is an ancient vessel made for physical activity and hormones are the treat for physically activity and neurotransmitters are released - so the mind can grasp the information in class much easier. By teaching in a funny and appealing way, you can teach in the most efficient way - by motivation to learn. So the general idea is to motivate the kids to learn, the kids in there own area of interest. To pin point in an early state what they will become when the graduate. Physical activity is an foundation for own motivation. So the kids learn to follow through school and to follow there own area of interest - by self esteem have the own guts to make a difference for them self. The kids are the future and they need our attention - all the children both over weight, bullies, handicapped, prom queens jocks and so forth. We are all in this boat together and as a team we can accomplish so much more and efficient.
Yours sincerely Anders Bjorklund
söndag 23 oktober 2011
Human energy
This day is the special day of accomplishment and for reaching higher level of well being. Cause everything in life afflicts to the balance - Yin & Yang, female and male, black and white and so forth. It strives to maintain the balance of life contrary to the universal law of pandemonium where the chaos expand. This day is as magical as every other day, not with standing, every other day is "special" when you can make difference to others as well as every other person you meet - with a warm smile on your face. Enjoy your fellow citizen of this world and stand up against the universe. Make the ride of life meaningful.
lördag 22 oktober 2011
Metamorphosis of life
between dream and fantasy the tiny legs, moves in a high frequency as the red spider strives towards another destiny of adventure. Is the color red, really red or is it another color in this dream or fantasy. The mind always plays this game of controlling the believed world we live in. With the changing environment and new characters from our destiny in this random path we follow. Are the people we meet really a coincident or are the all part of this game. Every time I meet real hard resistance from life and "believed" random events. I end up in a new level of the story of my life - even more challenging and intriguing. .More interesting than the one before. I am real sure that this path of medicine is the only one, every sign from the first memories of ancient years - cause it feels like i have lived this life many times before, but in this life. I can not die. Every single time I should be a part of a unknown history. The life just start from the beginning, once again. Only difference is that the current vessel I'm in, just end up a little more scarred with a more harsh appearance - think of the scared pirate, that just keep on going towards......in the same speed, but loses a limb or two - a cut here and a beat there. Still convinced that this is the artery of life for him, it actually makes him more assure than ever - like a navigating ship on a straight course - whit out a crew, just keep on going and never stops. Cause this is the line to follow, regardless if i want or not. I now I am on this earth for something big. The future will lead the way in this highway of information..... Finally I don't have any hurry anymore, I'm relaxed and chill. Due to the hardest part, from the sick bed to Medical school is over. I have done it! So the next step to be accepted to Karolinska, is just a matter of time. Regardless if it is one or three years from now - it doesn't matter. I have the hole adventure of life ahead of me. Just as the red spider running in the special direction, on a mission of life, in this dream beyond the fantasy of abysmal reality......
tisdag 18 oktober 2011
Read an analyze
Causes of emotional or psychological trauma
An event will most likely lead to emotional or psychological trauma if:
It happened unexpectedly.
You were unprepared for it.
You felt powerless to prevent it.
It happened repeatedly.
Someone was intentionally cruel.
It happened in childhood.
Emotional and psychological trauma can be caused by single-blow, one-time events, such as a horrible accident, a natural disaster, or a violent attack. Trauma can also stem from ongoing, relentless stress, such as living in a crime-ridden neighborhood or struggling with cancer.
Commonly overlooked causes of emotional and psychological traumaFalls or sports injuries
Surgery (especially in the first 3 years of life)
The sudden death of someone close
A car accident
The breakup of a significant relationship
A humiliating or deeply disappointing experience
The discovery of a life-threatening illness or disabling condition
I have experienced it all, and some of them in one event. I hope I can encourage others to do the same things if you recognize any of the above. To seek help, so you can continue on your own path of interest.
Your sincerely Anders
An event will most likely lead to emotional or psychological trauma if:
It happened unexpectedly.
You were unprepared for it.
You felt powerless to prevent it.
It happened repeatedly.
Someone was intentionally cruel.
It happened in childhood.
Emotional and psychological trauma can be caused by single-blow, one-time events, such as a horrible accident, a natural disaster, or a violent attack. Trauma can also stem from ongoing, relentless stress, such as living in a crime-ridden neighborhood or struggling with cancer.
Commonly overlooked causes of emotional and psychological traumaFalls or sports injuries
Surgery (especially in the first 3 years of life)
The sudden death of someone close
A car accident
The breakup of a significant relationship
A humiliating or deeply disappointing experience
The discovery of a life-threatening illness or disabling condition
I have experienced it all, and some of them in one event. I hope I can encourage others to do the same things if you recognize any of the above. To seek help, so you can continue on your own path of interest.
Your sincerely Anders
måndag 17 oktober 2011
We are all a family
I will thank you all for the support you give me on my facebook page. Everytime some press the "like"" button or wright a comment on the wrighting, I gett even more energy to follow this endless voyage of study medicine. So I can make a difference for man kind. But now I will take a break for the brain, so I can return even stronger. Thank you all. I love all of my friends and the rest of the inhabitans in this world. Just love you all.....
I'm going in
To morrow I will go down to Stockholm by train. To enroll the mental ward of St:Görans Hospital. Bequase of my car accident - 40 to 60% mortality rate for acute subdural hematoma. 6 months afterwards I was a involantary father - the diagnosis was 2 years for the brain to heal, so no wonder I hade to wake up real fast., dead sister in my teens (drug overdose) and so forth. The perfect record for person to enroll medicine. But I'we made it all the way to Medical School and two kids from the car accident the 26'th of September - 04, however, my mental capacity is overloaded and running on fumes. It will be real interesting to see if I will ever come back from that place in Stockholm again. Will they let me out or not? Only time will tell. I feel so relived to go down there for some help. So my brain can realx. But I will memorize it all. So I won't waste any time.
fredag 14 oktober 2011
The answear is whitin your self
The tip of the day: Open your eyes, there is opportunities every where ever you go. Make a difference to man kind and "do not" be a clone of the society.
onsdag 12 oktober 2011
Back to Sweden
Aiming eaven higher. I will accmplish the no:1 academic goal in Sweden. Of course having fun doing it all the way from "Acute Subdural Hematoma" just to show that the world scientist have wrong regardig IQ. Real soon I will enter Swedish airspace once again. On my way back home to the country of great minds. See ya soon :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
tisdag 11 oktober 2011
Leave no body behind
I'm just back from the University with my documents from the application to Med School (I just ended) in my hand, I'm actually leaving this amazing school. Were I gave them all a big hug. With the word from the administration echoing in my ears: - We hope you can come back, cause you were so glad and joyful. Man this is tough, my tear are gushing from my tear ducts. I have done this marathon to Med school from nothing, a drooling retard in the hospital, for heading back home to to meet the kids. I just love them, can not do this by myself, knowing the are on another location and no contact. This was my biggest dream, crumbling down. But I can not leave them. It's my responsibility to help them with everything. I can not stay here without them. That's why I went into medicine for the first place cause I care about other more than for my self. I can not do this to the kids. However, I do know one thing; you can do exactly what ever you put your mind to - just work real hard. After my tears stop falling and I need to increase my water level and to continue at even higher pace. I will focus on next step of life. To get my as in on Medical School in Sweden - Karolinska institute. Nothing can stop me, I will have close contact with the amazingly kids: Saga and Terje. They are tagging along on this journey to and throw Med School in Stockhom. "LEAVE NOBODY BEHIND" IS THE MAIN MANTRA FROM MILITARY TRAINING!!!
måndag 10 oktober 2011
Just do it!
Next mission in life is to get in to Karolinska institute - Stockholm and to train the cardiovascular in Mora, Sweden. Moving up to the next level. Having fun doing it, cause life is a adventure in the name of altruism and health
söndag 9 oktober 2011
Lex parsimoniae
Lex parsimoniae - the law of simplicity or generally known as Occam's razor.
Do you want to start over, if you would have the chance - with some life experience and energy to make a difference - energy a.k.a. motivation? That is the question many ask them self, a couple of times in the short life span we people have on this earth. Trust me you older you get the faster time will pass. I'm living that life right now - the chance of doing it all over from the awakening in a hospital. Cause in the 26'th of September 2004. Me and a friend of mine drove a car of the road in the early morning - diagnosis: my friend acquired whiplash in the neck and an acute Subdoral Hematoma for myself.
Earlier in life I wanted to be a fighter pilot, but my eyesight was not good enough, from the 5'th grade of school. The vision was not bad, but enough for getting glasses. That sucks for an active kid on a mission towards "Top Gun" - in the 5'th grade 11 years old. I always had great plans, but no real one that I could stick to, no real raw models - except from TV. I want a job for the rest of my life. Cause I will never retire before horizontal position and cardiac arrest. But I didn't really know what to do with my life. As shown by my crooked path from a second grade school; a school for timber logging and guide people in the forest, over to the way of science and The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm - chemistry. I still haven’t graduated from that school. Interesting with chemistry but no people contact and to work in a lab was not for not for me cause I want instant result - at that time anyway. Of course my parents didn't understand why I dropped out. Cause they find a job and stick to it. After dropout, I was driving sport motor cycle with turbo, no driving license, that's why turbo was a perfect choice. Just seeking for adrenaline and action while I searching the life for my holy grail. Due to that foolish lifestyle I had a private chopper to Academic hospital of Uppsala (on the 26th of September - 04) for acute subdoral hematoma (location of blood outside the vessels of the brain).
From that time, everything has gone real fast. From a drooling retard until two kids and now Med School outside Sweden. I thought it was possible cause I'm living the dream in motivation and education. However, I miss the kids so much, I could die. Just want to learn them to ski, swim, they can teach me to climb - the are getting really good, so I heard - I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I feel so bad. I'm missing a big part of their growth. Missing be there for them and to motivate them in everything as in schoolwork and to have a great time, chasing them across the lawn. A good friend of mine once said when traveling to Prague visiting other medical students that it is real important to keep a clear and focused mind when study to become a doctor so you can focus without any distraction, because the amount of input. But I have a dark mind, due to bad conscience. Cause I think of the kids 24/7. It is impossible not to. I want to be proud of my doing and my lifestyle when I grew old. Not the one going abroad for study medicine without the kids. I just can't do that, I can't. That's why this is impossible for me, even though I love this place and all the inhabitants..
So what to do? It's real easy as the law of simplicity - the simplest explanation is often the right one, just to follow your heart. I will get in Med School back home, in Sweden (just to study real hard, so I can get in) while helping the kids so they can reach their goals of their own and be there when they are growing up. I miss them all the time. The idea to come home from Medical School and lay beside them, just to give them comfort while watching them sleep tight, real tight.I miss them so much, to much....
lördag 1 oktober 2011
Always a maverick, will never stop
I will never by a buss pass for the local transportation here in Kaunas, cause I already have the perfect transportation vessel - myself. On my way to increase running speed. So I can run in 18-20km/h for long distances. It's the best of feelings. So happy, pure happiness :-D :-D :-D Love you all!
Task force member
Notes from the 02 of October, 2011. Present location,Totoriy G. 10-6 44236 Kaunas, Lithuania. Time is 05:42:56 when I started of on my daily routines. Yesterday running in the woods of Kaunas a couple of clicks north of the "Klinika" (Lithuania for clinics). Running in 3.45 min/km. Approaching the favorite place (so far). The scenery: a very petite and small canyon with a small footbridge in the middle - over an small stream - where there is absolute silence and calm. The green roof of leaves - from the trees, shelter this place, just a couple rays from the morning sun reaches the ground in a striped pattern. While the fresh "not polluted" air from factories or traffic, are as authentic and real it can be, In each breath of fresh air. Deep inside my arteries and veins - in the respiratory system. My foot steps - makes a muffled sound - thump, thump! when approaching the small footbridge, over the tiny stream. If you have seen the movie, The quest for finding "The Holy Grail" - by Monty Python. There is a scene where the Black Knight guards the crossing over a small brook. Then you now how narrow it is. But in the same time, the surroundings are so mystic - a fantasy world in contrast to the real urbanized world of the city - not far away. Posterior (medical term) of the tiny brook there is a tortuous narrow trail up to the top of the small canyon, it reaches all the way to an natural platform. Where there is everything you need for training your body in a muscular way. The steep trail is perfect, so you can forge ahead in high speed letting the arms oscillate - to put the arms in action - so you can keep the momentum (velocity and mass) - Biomechanics in practical terms.Yesterday I meet an athletic looking man named Alex, with his young companion Bricka - a Rhodesian Ridgeback (One year old, birthday today). Alex had a perfect tight hand shake and focused stare. Very disciplined and strict - probable background in the military or police. To focused and fit for "not" to be an member of a task force or dog handler, recording due to the choice of dog. He is regularly at this place - training. I guess we will run in to each other on a regular basis - we had a good contact, a disciplined gentleman.
Yours truly Andy
Yours truly Andy
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